Fulton County Historical Society

Become a Member

Membership levels are shown below. In order to become a member, please first create an account. After creating an account and logging in, you will be able to purchase your membership. In creating an account, you agree to receive occasional communications via mail and/or email from us.

Already have an account? Then please sign in.

Membership Levels

Life   $300.00

Life members receive all benefits described in the Adult/Family membership as well as your choice of 10 of our annual books that are still in print.

Annual Adult or Family   $25.00

Annual membership benefits include an approximately quarterly newsletter mailed in January, April, July, and/or October with Historical Society news, minutes of past meetings, treasurer's reports, and announcements of upcoming meetings, events and activities. Members also receive the annual publication and access to members-only content on the website.

Annual Institutional or Business   $25.00

Annual membership benefits include an approximately quarterly newsletter mailed in January, April, July, and/or October with Historical Society news, minutes of past meetings, treasurer's reports, and announcements of upcoming meetings, events and activities. Members also receive the annual publication and access to members-only content on the website.


Reserved for other nonprofit organizations with whom we exchange membership.